Temperature Control with TEC5V4A-D PeltierController

Time : Dec 17 2015Source :analogtechnologies Author : Analog Click :
The TEC5V4A-DPeltier controller is a self-developed product of ATI with independent intellectual property rights. The Peltier controller is designed to drive thermal electric coolers (TECs). During operation, the TECV4A-D Peltier controller has high efficiency, highreliability, and a compact size, etc. The Peltiercontroller is becoming more and more popular in temperature control system.
Figure 1. The photo of the TEC5V4A-D Peltier controller
The TEC5V4A-D means that the controller is with an input voltage of 5V and the maximum output current 4A, and provides a DIP packaging for users. By usingPeltier controllers, users can not only set the desired temperature, the output temperature and the compensation network, but also monitor and regulate the temperature in real time.
In addition, there are many other types of Peltier controllers in ATI, so users can select one based on your requirements.
If you want to know more about Peltier controllers, please visit our website at: