How to Control Temperature Precisely (Ⅰ)

Time : Dec 18 2015Source :analogtechnologies Author : Analog Click :
TECs stand forthermal electric coolers, which consist of Peltier elements. TECs are utilized to heat and cool according to the current direction, and as they haveno noise, no wearing, long service lifetime and high reliability, they have become more and more popular in cooling system. In order to keep the temperature stable and control the temperature preciselywhen using TECs, our company (ATI) has designed and released a series ofPeltier controller, and a typical one is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. The photo of a Peltier controller
There are many kinds of Peltier controllers with good quality, high efficiency and different parameters, such asTECA1-XV-XV-D series, TEC5V6A-D, and ATFC105D, etc. So users can select one based on your requirements.
To be continued…
If you want to know more about Peltier controllers and thermal electric coolers, please visit our website at: