Long Life TEC Module ATE1-TC-70-15AS

Time : Jul 07 2016Source :analogtechnologies Author : Analog Click :

TEC module is also called thermoelectric cooler that is used to cool down or heat up objects. Long life TEC modules refer to those TECs that can be used in thermal cycling application, such as PCR devices, thermal cyclers, chillers and analyzers, thus they are also called thermal cycling TEC modules.

The ATE1-TC-70-15AS TEC module comes with 70 pairs of Peltier elements and a maximum input voltage of 9.6V. The maximum current of this TEC module is 15A. The maximum temperature difference that this TEC module can achieve is 72°C. All the edges of this TEC module is sealed so that moisture is blocked outside. The photo below shows the size of this long life TEC module.

TEC modules can work with TEC controllers, which control the TEC modules in a stable and efficient temperature regulating system. They can also work with ntc thermistors for accurate temperature sensing, please visit this webpage for more information:


There are more types of thermal cycling TEC modules and standard TEC modules, for more technical data of our TEC modules, please visit our webpage and datasheet:


For more products of thermal system, please visit:
