High Quality Peltier Controller (II)

Time : Oct 23 2015Source :analogtechnologies Author : Analog Click :
Continued from the last article
From the performances of the Peltier controller, it comes with many interface ports for users to set the required object temperature, the maximum output voltage and current. There is a compensation network, which can match with thermal load and stabilize the temperature control loop. By using the Peltier controller, many functions can be realized, such as measuring and monitoring the temperature, obtaining the thermistor T-R curve linearization and so on.
Our company has many kinds of Peltier controllers, all of which have high reliability, high stability, and high efficiency. But they also have their own characteristics. 
TECA1-XV-XV-D series Peltier controller has maximum output current of 2.5A, and its maximum output voltage is external adjustable from 0V to Vps -Iout*0.1. 
ATFC105D is a kind of Peltier controllers with a digital display for setting and monitoring parameters. It has high efficiency, more than 98%. And it can be utilized to regulate an enclosed chamber temperature by driving a TEC array and a fan array. 
ATEC24V10A1 Peltier controller is under development, with high voltage and high current. It has a capacity of programming current limit. This Pletier controller can drive high power TECs to achieve high temperature stability at high power efficiency. 
In addition to the above products, we also have many other series Peltier controller available, so you can choose what you need. 
If you want to know more about Peltier controller, please contact us.