High Efficiency Window Peltier Controller

Time : Oct 23 2015Source :analogtechnologies Author : Analog Click :
ATW3A314 is a high efficiency window Peltier controller, which is designed to control thermal electric coolers (TECs). Using ATW3A314 Peltier controller, a target object temperature can be regulated within a pre-set temperature window. This Peltier controller has high working efficiency (more than 90 %), a compact size, and zero EMI. Figure 1 is the photo of an ATW3A314 Peltier controller.
Figure 1. The photo of an ATW3A314 Peltier controller
By using this Petier controller, users can set the required object temperature, the output maximum voltage and the output maximum current. And the Peltier controller is utilized to monitor and regulate the object temperature. When the temperature falls down to the range of the window temperature, the controller will go into the standby mode. Under the standby mode, the Seebeck voltage can be detected and used to measure temperature difference. The ATW3A314 Peltier controller can also monitor the voltage of TEC in real time.  
If you want to know more about Peltier controller, please contact us.